Crawford Group Blog

The Perils of a Patchworked Customer Journey: Why One Source of Truth Fuels Growth

Written by Crawford Group | July 23, 2024

Marketers frequently find themselves immersed in daily tactical demands, but neglecting the strategic evolution of their marketing technology can limit long-term marketing effectiveness.

During a recent panel discussion with industry thought leaders, the topic of customer acquisition strategies arose. Some experts championed the optimization of existing marketing tools within their respective departments while others advocated for a consolidated cross-department approach that would provide a unified view of customer data.

The hard truth is that a siloed approach will cost you significantly more in the long run.

"Navigating marketing programs without a unified view of the customer is like wandering blindfolded through a maze," says Nicole Crifasi, Marketing & Customer Experience Director at Crawford Group. "Disconnected data and tools hinder your ability to understand the customer journey and deliver impactful experiences, ultimately alienating potential and current customers."

This fragmented experience is more common than you might imagine.

Data disconnect leads to:

  • Frustration: Multiple tools can cause multiple experiences for your customers. They bounce between channels with no consistent brand experience.
  • Wasted Resources: Misdirected marketing efforts, “junk leads” to sales, and missed opportunities for hyper personalized campaigns waste time and money.
  • Ineffective Targeting: Inability to understand customer behavior and tailor messaging to their pain points means you’re missing opportunity.

Reevaluating your martech doesn't mean rip-and-replace. It's about strategic assessment, aligning tools with goals, and promoting seamless integration for a unified data view.

"The key to a successful customer journey lies in a single source of truth for data," according to Sam Plateroti, Head of Growth at Dijy. "Onboarding or consolidating tools that unifies information isn't scary or complicated – it's essential for maximizing your return on investment."

In fact, optimizing your existing tools with a comprehensive CRM platform like HubSpot can often yield greater results than a complete overhaul. HubSpot is a platform that can integrate with a number of marketing and sales technologies like Apollo, Salesforce, Netsuite, RollWorks, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and Terminus.

Additionally, here's why a platform like HubSpot can be your single source of truth:

  • Unified Data: All your customer data - website visits, email interactions, social media engagement - resides in one place, providing a complete picture.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Automate tasks, personalize campaigns, and nurture leads more efficiently, saving you time and resources.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: With all your data in one place, you gain actionable insights to make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and content creation.

One source of truth: Unify your tech stack to simplify campaigns, eliminate waste, and quickly boost marketing's impact. Gain deeper customer insights that will fuel  better decision-making, smoother lead handoffs, and sustainable growth.

Let's Talk.

If you're looking for expert guidance in implementing a single source of truth strategy for your business, contact the Crawford Group. We help B2B and B2C companies create a frictionless customer journey that fuels growth.



Crawford Group is an integrated marketing solutions provider for strategy, planning, and delivery. We offer expert digital, creative, events, and content services for marketing, communications, and sales organizations for B2B and B2C businesses. At Crawford Group our collaborative customer relationships and deep integrated marketing expertise create the best marketing solutions that drive business results.

Dijy is your HubSpot Solutions Partner dedicated to digitizing your sales & marketing. We understand the complexity of HubSpot to implement workflow automations for you and then teach you how to do it yourself. From migrating your data to HubSpot, to making the most out of your current package, to introducing you to new integrations - Dijy works with you each step of the way to help grow your business.